Money Saving with Solar Power System


Nature is a rich treasure of many useful items for human.when we imagine that what will be become up if failure all electrical storage.Our life become like a  handicap t. Electrical is a very useful item in our human life.
In our life all equipment are needed electrical energy. In summer we want to have the cold atmosphere. and we should have Air conditions. it`s only for our human facilities. It is the more costly and going to an End. Now There are some special AC and other equipment available in the market working on Solar Power.
I think our electrical source are not enough in our future.
when we use the facility to cure our human body. there are a first source that is Electricity.But the consumption of this source are too more then we Demand. so we should have an other option for this electricity. and it should Cheep, Easy, best and Endless. We need a strong source for it.That is Solar Power. Solar energy is the best resource for this option. It is a beautiful gift to a human from the nature.

How it works:-

Solar panel always connected on the top of  roof  so we can use direct sun light for our solar cells.when solar cells conceded with direct sunlight they produce dc supply and we store this energy in a battery.  We convert this DC supply with an inverter it produce AC supply to use our house or office.
It is very use full to human life. There are no pollution in this technology.Not any noise like electrical generator.


The famous brand  in solar system in India.

Vikram Solar    Rs 19/Watt      Rs 30/Watt
Waaree Solar    Rs 19/Watt      Rs 28/Watt
Luminous Solar    Rs 24/Watt      Rs 58/Watt
Tata Power Solar    Rs 20/Watt      Rs 62/Watt        

Note : These rates are just an Idea. Real Rates can also Increase and decrees at the time of selling.
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